Teacher-Tired Tips You'll Thank Me For

Oh, the thing that I would tell my first-year teacher self is to be more gentle to myself because it's not all bad.

Unpacking my Teacher Tired

I remember my first year bringing in all of the "teacher energy," and as the year ended, my energy went with it. If this was year one, then what would years 5, 10, or 20 do to my body? I quickly realized that how I planned for a thing determined how I sustained that thing. It was simple, right? Whelp, it took me a few more years to really embrace that concept. I grabbed a sticky note, the back of a napkin, and even the bottom of an unused worksheet to brainstorm before I checked out for the year. Here are a few things I asked myself...

  1. What worked well this year?
  2. Based on my class, who was the biggest contributor to my success (e.g., instructional coach, principal, special education teacher, etc.)?
  3. What things should I consider before the year begins?

Here is a quick cheat sheet that may help your folks!

Use this page from my book, The Right Tools, to set goals for the next school year. You can reflect on what you've learned and identify areas where you want to improve or learn more. By integrating these reflection activities into the end of the school year, you can internalize their learning experiences, recognize their growth, and prepare for future challenges.

Don't fret, I am here to help!

Schedule a call if you want to reflect together or chat about your goals: https://calendly.com/drtharris/30-minute-meeting-intro-clone

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Towanda Harris, Founder

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